Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Candra's Senior Pictures

Candra and I got together this week to take her senior pictures. We met up at Roxborough park. The sky looked like it might rain on us, but instead just gave us a beautiful deep blue backdrop over the hills. It was a gorgeous afternoon, working with the fun and photogenic Candra - I really love Senior Sessions! Here are a few of my favorites from our shoot.

Candra has a stunner of a smile.

Look at that sky! We could not have asked for a more perfect afternoon.

This one is a bit untraditional, but I really liked it.
Just as we were finishing, the sun started to break out, and covered us in this great, golden light.

Thanks, Candra!
For anyone still in need of Senior Portraits, drop me a line! Packages with prints start at $99 - a great deal!

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