Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Frio River

I just got back from a ten day trip to the Texas Hill Country. Every year we head down for a family reunion. This year, we extended the fun to a full 7 days! I couldn't resist posting a few pictures.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colleen and Andy

I met up with Colleen and Andy on Wednesday to do their engagement session. We started at the Platte River Park in Littleton. I lived in the South Metro area for years, and somehow just discovered this gorgeous nature reserve.

Despite being a little nervous about having their pictures taken, they did fabulously. It helps to be so photogenic, too.

We stopped at this great open space area on Jackass Hill Road. I've been driving past this area for years, and everytime I see this space at sunset I think about what a great setting it would be for photos. I was so excited when Colleen mentioned wanting to do their shoot there!

Congratulations Andy and Colleen - I'm really looking forward to the wedding!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Candra's Senior Pictures

Candra and I got together this week to take her senior pictures. We met up at Roxborough park. The sky looked like it might rain on us, but instead just gave us a beautiful deep blue backdrop over the hills. It was a gorgeous afternoon, working with the fun and photogenic Candra - I really love Senior Sessions! Here are a few of my favorites from our shoot.

Candra has a stunner of a smile.

Look at that sky! We could not have asked for a more perfect afternoon.

This one is a bit untraditional, but I really liked it.
Just as we were finishing, the sun started to break out, and covered us in this great, golden light.

Thanks, Candra!
For anyone still in need of Senior Portraits, drop me a line! Packages with prints start at $99 - a great deal!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby M. and Family

This week I spent a fun afternoon photographing baby M. and his family. His grandparents were in town for a visit, so we got pictures of him with everyone! Here are a few of my favorites:

Loved this one of M. and his parents.

Got your nose!

His grandmother is beautiful, isn't she?

His family has beautiful rose bushes. I loved the way they looked in black and white.
...and in color
look at those eyes! resemblance?
I love the look of pure joy he has here.

Thanks for letting me spend the afternoon with you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Today I got an awesome little package in the mail: a CD with my photography on it! The very talented Jazz singer Heather Marie Philipp and I got together several months ago for a photo shoot - I am so excited to see the end result.

She's beautiful AND talented: check her music out at

Any of you musicians out there in need of something like this, shoot me an email! I love to give fellow artists great deals :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

J. and P. are getting married!

J. and P. and I got together Saturday afternoon for their engagement session. We met up at Addenbrooke park in Lakewood, right by the church where they'll be holding their ceremony. While we were getting some great pictures of these two, we scouted the park out for good locations to photograph their wedding party in August.

These two are so sweet together, and so clearly in love.

J teared up a few times at the sweet-nothings P kept whispering in her ear. I'm such a sucker for that kind of romantic stuff - I'm so excited to shoot their wedding!

Thanks for sharing your afternoon with me, guys! Can't wait for the big event in August!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Miss Emerson

Emerson needed some new pictures done, so her mom and I got together for a quick session today. It was cold outside (in June!) so we set up inside. Here are a few of my favorites:

Can you believe this pose? She already knows how to work it for the camera!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hiking Devil's Head - Sedalia, CO

Okay - this is not a business related post. Instead, it's a proud-mama post. I can't help it...

This weekend my family and went hiking and Soren climbed his very first mountain! We went to Devil's Head, a little Southwest of Sedalia. We weren't sure how well the kids would do, but they really surprised us. Amelia sat contentedly in her sling, and Soren powered up the mountain like a pro!

He kept stopping to comment on hhow beautiful the views were.

The path is pretty well laid out. The part that goes through the Aspen Grove, and beside a small creek was my favorite part. Soren was a fan of the little rocks he could sit on for a break. We had to stop several times for Amelia to gt down and play. She thought it was so fun to be outside of her element, and really wanted to explore. I have to admit it: the stairs to the tower terrified me. I've never been scared of heights, but I was terrified to have my kids up there. The figure at the tower is my husband holding our baby.

The view was so worth it. I'm not really a landscape photographer, but I was happy with this one. Amelia slept the entire time we were at the top.

Soren was quite impressed by the view - and by his accomplishment. He told everyone we passed, "I went to the tower, and I'm only four-and-a-half!"

It was a great day! It also made me realize what a great place the mountains would be for a family portrait session - if you are interested, I'd LOVE to customize a package!